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Green Navigation: The Low-Carbon Route Planning of Baidu Maps

According to statistics, when the average speed of vehicles increases from 20 to 30- 40km/h, fuel consumption can be reduced by 20-40%and carbon emissions can be reduced by 40%.Baidu Maps continuously optimized functions such as route guidance and planning to decrease traffic jams. Thanks to BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS)technology, Baidu Maps has launched "Real"lane-level navigation, parking-level navigation, and intelligent intersection navigation services to improve mobility efficiency, protect mobility safety, and reduce carbon emissions caused by traffic jams and accidents:

"Real"lane-level navigation: covers national expressways and highways, as well as city-level roads in 13 cities including Guangzhou and Wuxi. This feature offers users more precise information about their route, allowing them to enter the optimal lane ahead of time to avoid potential traffic incidents in areas where bus-only lanes and emergency lanes are prone to be violated. By promoting safe driving, this navigation system reduces the carbon emissions that result from accidents and low transportation rates.

Parking-level navigation: users can locate the nearest available parking space with just one click, and the system also provides a reverse car-seeking navigation function through intelligent parking services. This feature helps efficiently guide drivers to their parking spots. The service has already been implemented in various large-scale parking lots, including those at Beijing Fengtai Station and Beijing Livat Mall.

Intelligent intersection navigation: offers an intelligent countdown service for more than 1 million traffic lights in nearly 3,000 cities, districts, and counties throughout China This service displays the remaining seconds until the traffic lights change, provides light change tips, and predicts traffic light behavior, enabling users to adjust their speed and avoid sudden braking, which in turn reduces carbon emissions.
