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Baidu Environmental Governance Measures

1. Baidu Environmental Governance Concept

Baidu actively responds to the international "Paris Agreement" goals and the national "3060" dual carbon goals, and is committed to applying artificial intelligence technology to achieve green transformation and empower the green development of users, industries and society.

Climate change is a common challenge facing mankind, and it is urgent for all parties to work together to address the risks it brings. Baidu assumes corporate responsibility for addressing climate change , identifies climate risks during operations, and looks for development opportunities .

2. Baidu Environmental Governance System

Baidu refers to the framework and recommendations of IFRS "International Financial Reporting Sustainability Disclosure Standards No. 2 - Climate-related Disclosures" to establish a climate change management system with the board of directors as the highest leadership, and assign a dedicated climate risk organizational management team to implement specific work. Gradually integrate climate changecorporate governance .

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Fig1. Baidu Environmental Governance System

3. Baidu Environmental Governance Strategy

Following the release of the climate goal of achieving carbon neutrality in 2021 in 2030 , Baidu has formulated six strategic paths to carry out green practices. We continue to improve energy efficiency and the proportion of clean energy usage. At the same time , we apply AI technology to empower green development in various industries .

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Fig2. Baidu’s six strategic paths to carbon neutrality

4. Baidu Environmental Risk Management

In 2023, Baidu will takeaccount the potential impacts of the development of large models based on the original climate change risk identification list, and formulate specific response measures based on the identified climate change risks:

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5. Baidu environmental governance goals and indicators

On June 22, 2021, Baidu officially announced its goal of achieving carbon neutrality at the groups operational level by 2030. In this process, Baidu will use 2020 as the base year, and plans to build on existing green practices and refer to the scope one and two types of the "Greenhouse Gas Accounting System" in data centers, office buildings, carbon offsets, intelligent transportation, The six aspects of intelligent cloud and supply chain comprehensively build a scientific path to achieve the 2030 carbon neutrality goal.

For details on Baidus environmental governance indicators, please refer to the "Green Concept" of the annual "Baidu Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report".
