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Baidu User Protection Measures

I. Baidu User Service Management

Baidu is committed to creating a comprehensive user service management mechanism and demand response system, continuously optimizing service quality at the institutional level to improve user satisfaction.

  • The Baidu Service Experience Development Center continuously addresses complaint issues in sync with product lines, promoting ongoing optimization and improvement;
  • Implementing the "Baidu Netizen Rights Protection Plan," users who click on search promotions or results with a "guarantee" label can apply to Baidu for protection if they suffer financial losses due to counterfeit official websites, qualifications, or phishing fraud;
  • Establishing the Du You You Service Committee, composed of experts from inside and outside the industry and Baidu employees who value user experience, to jointly supervise Baidus service level and study service strategies;
  • Forming the "Public Participation, Public Supervision" Du Cha Cha Self-Discipline Committee, introducing social forces for joint governance, giving high priority to handling bad information reported by netizens, and conducting special management for severe issues discovered.
Baidu also continuously collects and analyzes user feedback, improving service processes and technical support to ensure users receive prompt and effective help when encountering problems. Perfecting the user service system covering employees, users, and products, Baidu creates a service and protection integrated service ecosystem.

II. Baidu User Complaint Management

Baidu has always placed great importance on user service perception and experience. Hence, the Baidu User Service Center was established to receive feedback from individuals, enterprises, government departments, and other social groups and individuals. It provides a comprehensive complaint channel for users, ensuring that each issue is addressed and every matter receives a response. Baidu creates a high-quality user service experience loop with the characteristics of "prevention before, handling during, and consolidation after" the event, maintaining users legitimate rights and creating a clear online space. By actively exploring report clues and addressing user complaints, the platforms content governance work is perfected.

  • Establishing the Baidu User Service Center: Solving issues related to account security, payment-related, and harmful information, providing users with a one-stop self-service platform for feedback, complaints, and problem resolution, covering the entire range of products like Baidu Search;
  • Creating diversified complaint channels: Baidu is committed to timely responding to user demands through multiple channels. Users can lodge complaints through hotlines, websites, and email, ensuring that users can find a resolution channel at the first instance of a problem, achieving the shortest service path;
  • Having a complaint grading and resolution system: By layering users and categorizing problems, Baidu realizes a service experience that is scenarized and refined, constructing a service loop from user needs to user satisfaction. For key complaints, a graded response is implemented, ensuring that all complaints are generally resolved within one working day.
